Bram van Grootheest, CEO of Wycliffe Bible Translators Netherlands, is leaving the organisation after more than 16 years

Leestijd: 3 minuten  |  08 december 2023

Bram van Grootheest, CEO of Wycliffe Bible Translators Netherlands, is leaving the organisation after more than 16 years. Van Grootheest gave his full commitment to leading and expanding Wycliffe Bible Translators Netherlands for many years. He is resigning from his position as of 1st March 2024.

Bram van Grootheest: “After more than 16 years I am resigning from my position as CEO of Wycliffe Bible Translators Netherlands. I have worked in the Bible Translation movement with much joy and passion and I’ve seen great things happening. It was a privilege to hear and see how it impacts people when they receive the Word of God into their hearts. Now the time has come to pass on this responsibility. I leave Wycliffe in good hands. It is a wonderful and very capable team. I am thankful for the trust placed in me and for the good and constructive cooperation these past years. I am eager to see what will come my way and I look forward to the future with confidence.”

Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Frans Hoogendijk: “We are extremely grateful to Bram for his great dedication and commitment to Wycliffe. Bram’s significance for Wycliffe and for global Bible translation work over the past 16 years has been great. Under his passionate leadership, Wycliffe grew into a larger mission organisation which, in addition to sending out field staff, contributes substantially to the financial support of Bible translation programmes worldwide. With his vision and incisiveness, he has made a significant contribution to Bible translation work worldwide. We sincerely wish Bram God’s blessings for the future.

Marinus Lamper, now COO, has been appointed as the new CEO. His expertise and enthusiasm for Wycliffe have become clear in the past years. It is with confidence that we as Supervisory Board appoint him to this role.”

Marinus Lamper: “I am grateful to Bram for the way he has led Wycliffe for many years, and I wish him all the best and many blessings for the future. In the past period we had the opportunity to lead Wycliffe together and we look back on that with gratitude and joy. The connection we experience in and around Wycliffe in the Word of God is special. That connection, both within the organisation and with our wider constituency, makes me look to the future with confidence. We follow our God in the work He is doing in this world. In this way we work together towards the vision we always have in mind: changed hearts and impact in concrete human lives through the words of God in the language of the heart.”

Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Frans Hoogendijk: “In addition, we have appointed Anke Plange as the second member of the Executive Board, in the position of Director of International Partnerships. A two-member board ensures the stability and continuity of the organisation and is also preferred because of the complexity of issues at play at Wycliffe. We are convinced that Anke, with her proven qualities and years of experience both inside and outside Wycliffe, can make a great contribution to strengthening and expanding the work of Wycliffe.”

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